Established band looking for a professional & dedicated GUITARIST for Hard Rock band. Vocal ability is a plus.
We practice in Brentwood. You must have your own transportation and professional equipment. You should be between 20-28 yrs of age. Just to give you an idea our music sounds like Flyleaf, Evanessence and Paramore. We need people that can adapt fast and to be creative. No ego please.
Listen to our tracks at All of our tracks are recorded in our recording studio in Brentwood.
For audition please call 631.375.3285 ask for JayR or email me at
Hey man, I checked out your myspace and listen to your music and I thought u guys sounds awesome. I don't know why Axe Critic says all those negative stuff but I think he's just being an a**hole. I bet you he can't even play lead guitar. I'd like to audition for you guys. Email me at
Hey man, I checked out your myspace and listen to your music and I thought u guys sounds awesome. I don't know why Axe Critic says all those negative stuff but I think he's just being an *******. I bet you he can't even play lead guitar. I'd like to audition for you guys. Email me at
I was gonna call but checked out your tunes on your myspace...and... WOW I realized theres no way I could pay my bills with this band! Singing was waaaay out of key and Bass over powered everything... Very hot lead guitarist here and I think maybe you guys should try and rehearse a hellava lot more before you even think of trying to go pro!