Where did you see that band? I know somebody who said they were doing a cream tribute over in bayshore or something about a week ago.
Sorry for your thread getting hijacked. Nothing wrong with wanting to do your own thing, thats what I do....but I'd never expect to get anything accomplished locally. Long Island blows for music. If I could stomach it and not kill myself first, I'd learn a couple hundred popular tunes and be in a band that has high end clients and get paid well for my efforts.
Other than that, if you want an audience, you gotta get outta Dodge.
Just saw a "Clapton Tribute Band" at a local LI Club... They were pretty good...but... let me just say, don't quit your day job.... there might've been about 3 people on the floor when they went on and you could actually hear crickets chirping after they finished each tune... Don't really think there's much of a market anywhere, anymore for anything "Clapton"! Needless to say, they actually had to pay to play cause someone had to pay the soundman... not a marketable enterprise in any stretch of the imagination!
Hi I am a pro drummer that might be interested in your project.. Check out my web site at www.ProDrumServices.com... If I look like a match for you, get back to me & leats talk.. Phil
just read claptons autobiography. he was pretty much blitzed on booze and drugs everyday from his teens till well into middle age. if you want to sound authentic you'll have to do the same. are you prepared to do this?
Hey! I've just recently been thinking about forming a Clapton tribute. I still need to work on the vocals and learn the tunes the right way. So this is an opportunity to get in on the project from the beginning.
I'm determined to get to the point to be able to gig convincingly, but all for fun! Need bass, drums, keyboards. Backup vocals a plus.
I'll be doing some of the Cream stuff through present, as well as throwing in some related, non-Clapton covers (things EC would cover, for example, like While My Guitar Gently Weeps... etc)
I don't know if this is actually going to work but I'm looking to have some fun in spare time. Maybe rehearse 1 - 2x a week.