Red Stars at Dawn, an original / established band based out of the Farmingdale / Bethpage area, is looking for a new lead singer. I would describe our music as somewhat progressive, Dream Theater meets The Used....I guess? We are looking for someone that has dedication and the willingness to take this project as far as possible. Front-man skills, ability to work a crowd are definitely a plus. I would say vocal range would be a solid tenor, not quite Steve Perry register, but close. Our arrangement is drums, bass, and guitar. We are all very laid back, have full-times jobs, and enjoy high quality beers, but still have the hard work mentality. We have a solid 10 originals with more in the works, plus a few covers we pull out from time to time. We are gig-ready, just looking for the front-man. This is a great opportunity to play some truly original music, a rarity to come out of Long Island. You can listen to a few of our tracks on the following sites: