hey hows it goin my name is santo. ive been playin the drums for about 12 years now...ide like to find out a little bitmore about this band im into playing anything and everything.
hi im a talented bass player who also has a drummer hes been playing since hes 2yrs old, definitly a stud. very interested email me at johnfiasco1@yahoo.com
hi my name is Melissa I'm 21 years old and have been playing the drums for 7 years. I read your post and i would like to know alittle bit more about your band and where you are located. I live in nassau county. I am very opened minded and I am very interested. my e-mail address is gerigirl8672@aol.com or you can instant message me at Gerigirl8672- hope to hear from you soon.. and goodluck
modern rock/ emo influenced alternative band looking for a bass playerr and a drummer who is open minded willing to play ne type of music because our original songs cannot be covered in one genre.... call 631-220-1407 and come down to one of our practuices and hear for urself