We seek a drummer with soul and power like a john bonham however! we don;t expect you to sound like him but we want only the best player. we have paid outdoor summer fest gigs. are music is rockblues with a 70's and beyound tipe sound. sort of a led zep/stones kind of feel. so we do org's and some covers. the audition is not far from penn station and we only want to reher 1 day a week and 2 times before the gig. so there should be no excues to come to the city to play! also we seek no att or ego;s or any of those bad things. also no kids only exp players need call. players who don;t return phone calls i will not deal with that. or e mail me a whole story about there life who they think they are in music etc! sorry no time for that! if e mail only please please give me your num only! lets talk on the phone no e maill bull****! anyone who dose not give me there phone num i will not return the mail. audition friday may 5th nyc 9 to 12 at night. call me for info at 845 453 0999.