I'm currently in a cream tribute band that as played major venues opening for rock legends " Mountain."We seem to have overestimated the interest this band would generate, so it's time to move on. You can check out samples at: myspace.com/creamtributeband . Thanks.
Classic Rock & Blues band seeks back-up drummer. Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaugn, Paul Butterfield, The Blues Brothers, The Allman Brothers as well as some originals and many other cover bands are included in our set.
We do a lot of benefits and multiband shows where backline is provided. Our current drummer occasionally has prior commitments and the show must go on when he can't make it. If it's all about the money then this isn't the band for you, but if you are looking to jump into the mainstream and have a whole lot of fun doing it this IS the band you've been looking for.
We belong to both blues societies and have been in such venues as The Cedar Beach Bluesfest, The Harry Chapin and Boulton Theatres, The Nevele Grande Hotel in The Catskils, Disney in Orlnado, Southaven, Eisenhower and Shenandoah National Parks, The Fire Island National Seashore at Smith Point Park, Port Jeff Harbor and even did a show for our troops before leaving for Iraq at US Military Base Fort Dix in New Jersey.
We have had recent media coverage with News 12, WRCN Graveyard Blues Show, Bill Freys & Jill Morrison's shows on WUSB and have also been featured on Cable TV.
We have lotsa groovy benefits and multi band shows coming up and the paid gigs WILL follow as soon as our following increases. (I moonlight booking bands and deal with a couple venues on a weekly basis)
To set up an audition email OfficerRocky@aol.com to get the ball rolling. Vocals a plus but not required. Suffolk County rehearsals.