We are Jac&Jill, right now it's the two of us writing and creating our sound, but we are currently looking for other musicians to add to the chemistry. We both play multiple instruments but live Jac will be lead singer and Jill will be the bass player/backing vox. We are especially looking for guitarists and keyboard players/programmers as well as other backing vocalists. We write all of our own beats using computer software and are not opposed to adding a live drummer to the mix, but the drummer would have to play to a click track. If you are interested in what we are doing please email us back. Below is a link to our my space page. The song up was written by us and is the direction we'd like to go musically. (r&b/pop/funk) We are both very open minded to ideas and are looking for VERY serious and committed players to join us. No drugs or alcohol. Over 18 please. Our my space link is www.myspace.com/jacandjillmusic Long Island or Queens. If you're interested please either email us at my space or at JacNJillMusic@aol.com Thanks.