mr anonymous your so quick to call the guitarist big headed,which is so far from the truth ,what the guitarist wants is a relationship with the bassist-to be able to write some tunes ,and work on the existing songs with him on a personal level ,not at our weekly rehersals. we are not begginers ,nor are we looking for one ,we dont wanna sit thru a bassist trying to learn the tunes. if a bassist has the skills and can learn the tunes on his own that would be great .
and why would u coment on something posted elsewhere ,that has nothing to do with this post ,odd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike, saw your ad in another forum and you're really gonna have trouble if you realy expect the bassist to sit down and have the big headed guitarist show him what to do! Never gonna aqcuire a bassist if you don't let him just learn the tunes on his own.... noone needs a freakin' babysitter. Just give him the damn tunes and let him figure it out on his own.... gonna lose out on some pretty intense bassists if you go that route!
members of immortally committed and vocalist from life after death have a very heavy european metal sounding band complete will keys ,kick ass dr ums ,heavy riffs and amazing vocals.rehersals in lindenhurst email me for songs.