The producers of Toast Confidential the reality show based on the popular Port Jefferson village breakfast place and its cast of quirky characters have applied for permits to start filming this summer, according to a statement issued by the show's production company.
The producers hope to start filming in the last week in June and are scheduled to film three episodes over the summer at Toast on East Main Street. Each episode takes approximately five to six days to shoot.
Another new development in the shows evolution is the addition of British music producer, John Ravenhall to the cast as music advisor.
Ravenhall will be working with Toast Coffeehouse owner Terry Scarlatos helping him to pick new musical talent auditioning on-camera, for the chance to play on the Toast Coffeehouse Thursday and Saturday night music nights, said Hillary Call, a spokesperson for the producers.
Along with artwork and food, music will feature prominently on the reality show, adding to the cool downtown vibe. The hope is to find an act who can record the Toast Coffeehouse Confidential theme song.
One of the many unique and interesting things about Toast Coffeehouse is the infusion of art, music and great food, Ravenhall said in a statement.
He said the idea is already causing a stir in the music industry.
We are getting an amazing amount of requests from people who want to perform or write songs for the show, said Ravenhall.
Ravenhall is a European Grammy nominated music producer who founded a record label called Johnny Boy Records in Britain. According to a statement, in the past, the producer has worked with Paul McCartney, Sting and Van Morrison while also producing for up-and-coming new talent.
Kim Barnes, producer for Kudos Reality Television Development and Production, the company behind the show said the synergy between the two men will be captivating.
Having unique music acts perform live at the coffeehouse is an integral part of the Toast experience, she said.